Hart’s Location Town Services

Hart’s Location has been an incorporated town since 1795.

Proposed Amendments to Floodplain Conservation District Ordinance

Explanation and Supporting Materials for Article 7: CWSRF Funding

NEW Interactive Online GIS Maps for Hart’s Location
For the most current version of the maps, click to view the new interactive map. A new and amazing experience.

Municipal Government
The town has it’s own municipal government, including a board of selectmen, planning board, school board, town clerk/tax collector, moderator treasurer, supervisors of the checklist, fire warden and deputy fire warden, zoning board of adjustment, etc. The town has a modest town hall and one town road, Burke Road. US Route 302, the primary corridor through the town, is a state maintained highway, all other roads within Hart’s Location are privately owned.

There is no other municipal infrastructure. Some municipal services are outsourced to local communities, such as fire and rescue services from Bartlett and police services from the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department.

Annual Reports – click to view .pdf files

Students are tuitioned to schools in neighboring towns by the school board, The Josiah Bartlett Elementary and Middle School for grades K-8, high school students have attended Kennett High School in Conway, NH and Fryeburg Academy in Fryeburg Maine.

Post Office
Hart’s Location once had it’s own post office at the Willey House Station site, but now shares the 03812 zipcode and post office in Bartlett Village, NH.